Meetings & Returns

Reduction relief prints and paintings created during an artist residency in Orvieto, Italy during October and November 2023. The series presents formal issues of color theory, balance, and movement - while also responding to personal reference points (landscape, artists, and architecture) found in Italy.

Nine Patch (2021)

A return to the Nine Patch series with new reduction woodcut monoprints - created for the 2021 exhibition “Rituals” at the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art (UIMA) in Chicago, Illinois, a three-person exhibition also featuring the artists Marissa Voytenko and Mandy Cano-Villalobos.

San Domenico

A series of reduction relief prints responding to the pattern and structure of a tile floor found in the 13th century church of San Domenico in Orvieto, Italy.

Pine Waves / Cloud Ravines

A series of constructivist relief prints and monotypes, investigating the pairing of a grid alongside the structure of a Chinese scroll painting. The title of the series comes from a painting by the Qing landscape painter Wang Hui—viewed in Shanghai in 2018.

All works are for sale. Please contact the artist with inquiries.
© 2024 Brenton Good. All rights reserved. Images may not be used without permission.